Fight For Peace
Fight for Peace is working with young people in London to provide them with skills for the future and reduce levels of youth violence and crime in communities.

Located in the London Borough of Newham in East London, with its first-ever academy founded in Brazil 19 years ago, the project provides martial arts and boxing sessions to young people from the ages of 7 to 25. These sessions are held in conjunction with Fight for Peace’s personal development and education classes, covering everything from employment skills to coaching. This combination of activities gives young people vital support to help them build violence free futures.

Fight for Peace is now using National Lottery funding to train other community organisations to tackle the problems surrounding youth violence in their areas. Through training on how to replicate their combined sport and education model, they are ensuring more communities can benefit from their success.
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Mae’r Loteri Genedlaethol wedi rhoi £43 biliwn i brosiectau lleol yn union fel y prosiect hwn i gefnogi’ch cymuned leol. Discover more local projects in your community