Ignition Training
Ignition Training in Doncaster teaches a range of motor vehicle maintenance skills to members of the community, including disabled people, ex-offenders, mental health service users, homeless people and substance users.

Ignition Training Centre was established in 2014 in response to the need to create a practical solution that tackled worklessness and social deprivation by giving people marketable skills, accredited qualifications, real work experience, confidence, something for their CV and a reference.
Although the founder had no practical knowledge or background in the industry they rose to the challenge by setting up a training structure with a difference, fusing a supportive training environment with a traditional garage to give the learners vital 'immersion' into the world of work.
Ignition Training was established specifically to answer the needs of some of people who found traditional learning and education challenging and consequently fell through the net when developing their skills for employment and social development. For some people, it is merely supporting them as they work through mental health issues to become work ready again.
Many ideas were put on the table; a garage environment was chosen because while most of their learners do not do well in school or college, they do much better in a supportive and 'hands on' environment.

The Centre uses the process of learning mechanic skills to teach real and relevant skills for employment - not only mechanical skills but admin, IT, Customer Service, sales and transferrable skills such as teamwork, timekeeping, problem-solving etc. Ignition, 'Social Enterprise of the year 2017' has now supported over 40 vulnerable and marginalised people into employment who had been otherwise written off.
The Well Bentley training Centre,
High St,
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