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Line-dancing Senior Citizens Get Spring in Their Step

23rd Ionawr 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014; A new video has been released online featuring a group of spritely line-dancing seniors. The group, who object to the term ‘pensioners’ as it “makes them sound too old”, took part in the filming to show how National Lottery funding is benefitting people of all ages.

The video forms part of The National Lottery’s ‘Just Imagine’ campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the massive impact that £31 billion in project funding has had across the UK since the first National Lottery draw 20 years ago. The video can be viewed here:

The line-dancing group meets weekly each Thursday at a hall in Tavistock Court, Bedford, and was set up as part of the National Lottery funded Fit@Sixty programme. Fit@Sixty, run by Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association, delivers weekly sessions to senior citizens within Bedford Borough to help improve mobility, strengthen joints and reduce the risk of falls through gentle exercise that a trainer adapts to suit people with differing ability.

As well as line dancing, other sessions include ten pin bowling, carpet bowls and the parasport of Boccia. The National Lottery has funded similar programmes across the UK to help provide opportunities for senior citizens to socialise and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Speaking in the film, one of the participants comments: “You never think you’re going to pick it up, actually, but all of a sudden it sort of clicks... It keeps you going, for one thing”, before another participant says: “We weren’t very good when we first started. Some of us are worse than others!”

Released on Twitter (@lottogoodcauses #JustImagine) and Facebook Today, the video is the 23rd in a series of 31 items to feature through January as part of ‘Just Imagine’ – one for each day of the month and each £1 billion of National Lottery funding.

For anyone wanting to find out more about funded projects in their area, the National Lottery has launched a ‘Good Cause Finder’. To see projects in your area, or to find out more about Just Imagine January, visit


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For press enquiries relating to the Just Imagine campaign:
Jim Williams 07814 068 349
Alex Bake 07552 289 290

For press enquiries relating to the National Lottery:
Michael Thompson, Head of Media at the National Lottery Promotions Unit, on 07734 295745.
Video Links

Web link to video:

Embed code for video:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Twitter: @lottogoodcauses #JustImagine
About the National Lottery Promotions Unit
The National Lottery Promotions Unit (NLPU) is responsible for raising awareness of Lottery funding to Good Causes. Amongst other initiatives, NLPU manages the National Lottery Awards.
National Lottery funding is awarded through 12 distributing bodies: Big Lottery Fund, UK Sport, Sport England, Sport Wales, Sport NI, Sportscotland, Heritage Lottery Fund, Arts Council England, Arts Council Wales, Arts Council NI, Creative Scotland and the British Film Institute.