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5th Medi 2016

Ten artists and community-based projects have been chosen to feature in a specially commissioned film to highlight the breadth and depth of National Lottery arts funding in Scotland.

From Birnam Arts in Perthshire to the winner of the 2013 Scottish Album of the Year musician, RM Hubbert, they all share their life-changing stories in the new film, produced by Edinburgh-based Media Education, to thank National Lottery players for their support and is officially released on Monday 5 September.

These 10 featured projects received grants ranging in size from £3,000 to Sianna Bruce, an aerial dancer from Dundee, to £93,211 to Live Music Now Scotland to perform in care homes, hospices, day centres, special schools, and secure units. Latest figures reveal that over £33.7 million of National Lottery funding was allocated last year (2015/2016) to Scottish arts projects by Big Lottery Fund, Creative Scotland, and Heritage Lottery Fund.

Scottish guitarist and singer, RM Hubbert, said: “I got funding from Creative Scotland to make my new album Telling The Trees. I’m sure I speak for many, many people that have received funding. These projects probably wouldn’t happen otherwise. “

Rhona Kirkpatrick, a participant of classes at Birnam Arts, said: “It’s a very small community and I think Birnam Arts has got to be commended for the fact that they bring people together and they promote arts and crafts and local artists throughout the year. I think they do an incredible job and that job is made a whole lot easier by the funding that is provided from The National Lottery.”

Jackie O’Sullivan, from The National Lottery, said: “Since 1994 The National Lottery has supported thousands of amazing arts projects in Scotland from community performances to helping award winning musicians record music. National Lottery players will be touched by the stories featured in this film as the 10 artists are given the opportunity to thank them directly for their support.”

Creative Scotland, Scotland’s national development agency for arts, screen and creative industries, Creativity Matters campaign highlights the importance of the Creative Industries which contribute £3.7 billion to the Scottish economy each year, supporting 71,800 jobs.

Iain Munro, Deputy CEO at Creative Scotland said: “The National Lottery forms a vital part of funding support for the arts, screen and creative industries in Scotland.

“The projects highlighted in this film provide just a snapshot of the wide variety of cultural activity taking place across the country thanks to National Lottery players.

“Funding from The National Lottery enables artists and organisations to create work that reaches into communities and makes a real difference to people’s lives right across Scotland.”

To find out more about National Lottery funded projects and how to access funding visit


For further information please contact Kirstie Cusick on 0141 242 1414/07825 823945 or email

Notes to editors

To view the film go to:

The projects featured in the film are:

Birnam Arts – - £10,000 from Creative Scotland

Birnam Arts will continue to provide a complete arts programme that encompasses both performance and education within the arts, to local and outlying communities within the Birnam and Dunkeld area.

Sianna Bruce - - £3,000 from Creative Scotland

Dundee-based dancer Sianna Bruce travelled to Costa Rica to further develop her practice in aerial dance and nurture international relationships in the field. She is now working with aerial dance communities in Scotland.

Carefree Chorus, Kirkcaldy -

– £472,731 to Fife Carer’s Centre from Big Lottery Fund

Carefree Chorus is run by the Fife Carer’s Centre. The group meets weekly and has around 25 members and everyone who attends cares for a loved one.

RM Hubbert – - £6,000 from Creative Scotland

Winner of the 2013 Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) Award, musician RM Hubbert wrote, recorded and released an album of collaborations between himself and international female artists called Telling The Trees.

Live Music Now Scotland – – £98,211 from Creative Scotland

The programme includes targeted recruitment, auditions, training and mentoring for around 115 musicians and the presentation of 600 participatory performances/workshops throughout Scotland (plus 60 internationally) in care homes, hospices, day centres, special schools, secure units and education/outreach settings, as well as public performances in earned-income partnerships with festivals and other promoters, bringing music to over 30,000 people throughout Scotland.

Rachael MacIntyre – - £50,423 from Creative Scotland

Moonbeam on a Cat’s Ear (Voyage au Clair de Lune) is a visual theatre show for children aged 3-5 years. Puppetry, physical theatre, movement, music and light bring this English, French and Gaelic adventure for young minds to life. The show formed part of the Puppet Animation Festival 2016 and will further tour across the country.

Kilmahew / St Peter’s Limited – – £50,000 from Creative Scotland

Hinterland was the official launch event of the Festival of Architecture 2016, celebrating the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design. Fifty years on since the building opened, Scotland’s greatest modernist ruin, St Peter’s Seminary, was reanimated at night and opened to the public for the first time. Hinterland revealed the full glory of the towering concrete ruin, combining moving light installations and projection with a haunting choral soundscape. Hinterland was produced by the Glasgow based public art organisation NVA on behalf of Kilmahew / St Peter’s Limited. NVA's long term plans will rescue this outstanding example of 20th century architecture and bring it back into productive use as a national platform for public art and knowledge exchange.

Out of the Blue Arts and Education Trust, Edinburgh – - £71,600 from Heritage Lottery Fund

Out of the Blue’s Leith Moves: The People’s History of Leith Docks is an arts and education project which includes valuable opportunities to further involve the Leith community in exploring their history. The project will build over a two year period and contribute to future initiatives exploring and marking Leith’s heritage.

Room To Play, Tinderbox, Edinburgh – – £10,000 from Creative Scotland

Room to Play was an exciting multi-disciplinary, hands-on, creative course for 13 emerging musicians, artists and game developers which culminated with an exhibition of work at the Hidden Door Festival 2016 and later at the Edinburgh Game Symposium. The course was led by award-winning musician, sound-designer, game developer and sonic artist, Yann Seznec as well as Edinburgh’s Tinderbox Orchestra.

The Women’s Creative Company, Glasgow - - £10,000 from Creative Scotland

The Women’s Creative Company joined with Platform Theatre and A Moment’s Peace Theatre Company to present Privilege, a brand new piece of theatre exploring ideas of privilege and entitlement. The Women’s Creative Company is open to any woman in Glasgow over-18 not working professionally in the arts.

National Lottery players have raised £2.9 billion for over 61,000 projects in Scotland since it began in 1994.

Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland on behalf of everyone who lives, works or visits here. We enable people and organisations to work in and experience the arts, screen and creative industries in Scotland by helping others to develop great ideas and bring them to life. We distribute funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. For further information about Creative Scotland please visit Follow us @creativescots and

For more information about Creative Scotland’s Creativity Matters campaign go to:

The Big Lottery Fund in Scotland and the Heritage Lottery Fund in Scotland also support art projects for more information go to:

The film was produced for The National Lottery by Edinburgh-based Media Education an independent training and engagement provider who aim to champion the experiences, priorities, views and opinions of those who might struggle to find a voice in society, through the use of creative filmmaking and audio projects, as well as video consultation. For more info go to: