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The National Lottery joins forces with Gethin Jones and Jay Blades to reveal benches dedicated to local community heroes

14th Gorffennaf 2021

Heddiw, mae’r Loteri Genedlaethol wedi datgelu chwe lleoliad pellach ar draws y DU a fydd yn lleoliadau ar gyfer meinciau pwrpasol, a ddyluniwyd ac a grëwyd gan Jay Blades, i anrhydeddu unigolion sydd wedi mynd y tu hwnt i’r galw ar gyfer eu cymunedau lleol yn ystod y pandemig.

Rhian Mannings with the bench dedicated to her at Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Wales

Lansiwyd prosiect Meinciau’r Bobl gyntaf yn 2020, gan ddewis arwyr cymunedol neilltuol ac eithriadol i’w anrhydeddu o dros 13,000 o brosiectau cymunedol a ariennir gan Gronfa Gymunedol Y Loteri Genedlaethol ers dechrau’r pandemig Covid-19.

Fel mae’r wlad yn dathlu’r llacio sydd ar y gweill o ran y cyfyngiadau a osodwyd yn ystod y pandemig, mae’r Loteri Genedlaethol wedi dadorchuddio’r chwe mainc derfynol; gan weithio gyda Gethin Jones i ddatgelu rhai o’r unigolion ysbrydoledig sydd y tu cefn i’r meinciau hyn, gan gynnwys y gyd-gymraes, Rhian Mannings.

Mewn fideo teimladwy, a ryddheir heddiw, mae Rhian a Gethin yn trafod ei phrofiad torcalonnus nôl yn 2012, pan fu farw George, ei mab bach blwydd oed yn sydyn, gyda Paul, ei gŵr trallodus yn cyflawni hunanladdiad ychydig ddyddiau yn ddiweddarach.

Mae’r darn hynod o deimladwy yn gweld Rhian yn siarad gyda Gethin am sut y daeth hi a’i theulu i delerau â’u colled. Mae Gethin a Rhian yn mynd ymlaen i drafod Rhian yn creu elusen ‘2 Wish Upon A Star’ sy’n anelu tuag at helpu teuluoedd i ymdopi gyda phrofedigaeth.

Mae’r fideo yn cynnwys rhan deimladwy lle mae Rhian yn gweld y fainc a gyflwynwyd iddi am y tro cyntaf, y tu allan i Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg yng Nghymru, sef yr ysbyty lle cafodd George ei driniaeth dros 8 mlynedd yn ôl.

I was really shocked when I received the phone call, especially at the moment as there are so many incredible people out there; it means the world to me. This is for the amazing team and my parents and family, who've done so much to encourage and support me. The National Lottery believed in us and they believed in our project and because of National Lottery players, we’ve been able to make a difference to so many more parents and families.”

Talking about receiving the bespoke bench Rhian Mannings said:

“Being part of the reveal of Rhian’s bench was an unforgettable moment for me; her story was so moving, and her charitable community work is incredibly inspiring. I am so proud and honoured to be part of this meaningful campaign by The National Lottery Community Fund, which celebrates those local heroes vital for the community, but who are sometimes overlooked. “It’s an incredible opportunity to shine a light on inspiring individuals, and to celebrate the £36 million which is raised by Nationl Lottery players each week in the UK for good causes like this.”

Gethin Jones says:

Mae mainc Rhian yn un o chwe mainc newydd a godwyd ar draws y DU, mewn lleoliadau gan gynnwys Llundain, Leeds, Manceinion, Brighton a de Cymru, i ddathlu unigolion ysbrydoledig, megis Mal Emerson, preswylydd o Bort Talbot a sefydlodd yr elusen Marauders Men’s Health sy’n helpu dynion gydag anawsterau iechyd meddwl.

Ac mae dathliad dwbl yng Nghymru gydag ail fainc yn cael ei chyflwyno i Mal Emerson, gŵr lleol o Bort Talbot. Ffurfiwyd yr elusen ‘Marauders Men’s Health’ gan Mal yn 2017 wedi iddo ddioddef damwain ddiwydiannol erchyll yn 1997, a arweiniodd at anafiadau parhaol i’w goes ac Anhwylder Straen Ôl-drawmatig, a achosodd anawsterau iechyd meddwl dwys a hirsefydlog. Mae cerdded wedi helpu Mal, sydd wedi creu gwerth mwy na £4.5m o arian tuag at achosion da ym Mhort Talbot, i ymdopi gyda’i greithiau meddyliol.

Dechreuodd fynd ar ambell daith gerdded fechan ar ei faglau a gan ei fod wrth ei fodd gyda ffotograffiaeth, fe fyddai’n postio ei luniau ar Facebook. Daeth ceisiadau yn fuan gan bobl i ymuno ar ei deithiau cerdded lle byddai’r grŵp yn trafod eu heriau iechyd meddwl a chorfforol, gan helpu ac ysbrydoli ei gilydd. Sefydlwyd ‘Marauders Men’s Health’ yn fuan wedi hynny. Yn ystod y pandemig, gweithiodd Mal yn ddiwyd i sicrhau y byddai ei deithiau cerdded yn parhau ond gan eu lleihau i gynnwys 1-2 o bobl er mwyn sicrhau y byddai’r aelodau’n parhau i dderbyn y gefnogaeth oedd ei hangen arnynt yn ystod yr amser argyfyngus hwn.

Mal Emerson with the bench dedicated to him

“Like most of us, I have witnessed inspirational acts of selflessness and kindness this year as people have adapted their lives to help others. It has been an honour to hear about the 13 people whose work is being honoured with a bespoke bench being placed in their local area. Each bench represents the person’s personality, passions and the impact they have had on others in their community. It is hopefully a fitting tribute to their efforts this year – efforts that too often go unheralded but never unappreciated by those they help – that these benches can be places where others can find out more about their work.”

Jay Blades said:

“Throughout these challenging times, the power of individuals and organisations in supporting communities and people’s wellbeing has been has been so inspiring. As we reflect on the past year, I am proud to spotlight incredible individuals like Rhian, from 2 Wish Upon A Star – they represent the best of human and community spirit. These community benches in local areas will help to showcase the impact they have had on others and to provide valuable space for reflection. Alongside Rhian, the 6 local heroes featured from across the UK, have played an integral role in their communities. I am glad that The People’s Benches initiative provides a platform to recognise their outstanding efforts. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have funded over 13,000 community projects, across the UK, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

David Knott, Interim CEO of The National Lottery Community Fund said: