Suited For Success
First impressions count. Suited for Success is a charity which provides essential moral support along with free second-hand suits and workwear to help unemployed men and women make a great first impression in a job interview that could change their life.

Suited for Success in Birmingham tackles barriers to employment by offering free high-quality second-hand suits and workwear, along with job interview coaching and presentation skills, to help unemployed people who have been offered a job interview look and act the part and make that first impression count.
Gently worn suits and smart workwear are donated by professional men and women. Unemployed people who can't afford anything smart to wear are referred to Suited for Success through a variety of frontline agencies. Trained volunteers also sit with clients to identify potential barriers to their upcoming interview and help boost their confidence. They then work one-on-one with them to help select an appropriate smart interview outfit so they make a great first impression.

Many clients referred to Suited for Success have experienced long-term unemployment, have a history of offending, drug abuse, homelessness, poverty and other life challenges. This results in low self-esteem and confidence that becomes a barrier to finding employment.
Suited for Success is now piloting projects to go the extra mile under the banner 'More Than Just a Suit' focusing on working with specific client groups including: ex-offenders, ex-military, homeless, addiction recovery and back to work mums.
"Birmingham has the highest unemployment levels in the UK. While there is provision for job searching and basic skills training, there is very little for helping people with personal presentation, interview skills and developing a mindset for employment success. Suited for Success applies those finishing touches to make that first impression count in a job interview."
Suited for Success Managing Director, Patricia White
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